"The Audio-visual Hall is a place where anything is possible, where we can dream, laugh, cry and be inspired by the stories on the screen."

Audio-Visual Hall

At Panism, we believe in providing a holistic learning experience, and our seminar hall and home theatre are designed to help you expand your knowledge and explore new ideas. Our seminar hall is equipped with a state-of-the-art projector and audio system, making it the perfect space for presentations, workshops, and talks.

With comfortable seating and ample space, our seminar hall can accommodate groups of varying sizes, ensuring a comfortable and productive learning environment. In addition to our seminar hall, we also have a home theatre set up for watching documentaries and movies. With a large screen and surround sound system, our home theatre provides an immersive viewing experience, perfect for relaxing and unwinding after a long day.

Whether you’re here for business or pleasure, our seminar hall and home theatre offers a versatile and engaging way to learn and explore. From educational documentaries to entertaining movies are played to help stimulate your mind and broaden your perspective.

 So come and join us for a seminar or movie screening in our beautiful retreat center located in Auroville. With our high-quality audiovisual equipment and comfortable seating, you’ll have everything you need to learn, grow, and be inspired.